Rehabilitative Training
Rehabilitative Training
All our programmes and modules are delivered as part of the START Rehabilitative Training Programme. There is an assessment process to ensure learners are accessing training at the appropriate level and are supported to progress according to their ability.
There is no charge for our training courses.

Our staff have lots of expertise in our subject areas, and experience of working with persons with intellectual disabilities. We design and tailor modules and programmes to the individuals we support and can meet a diverse range of needs in relation to communication, literacy, sensory support requirements, specific learning difficulties, behavioural support needs and autism spectrum disorder.
Our Training Objective
We want to provide high quality and meaningful learning experiences for adults using Drumlin House Training Centre services and supports. We strive to deliver person-centred learning which empowers our learners and assists them to achieve their personal goals and to be active citizens.
Our Quality Assurance Process
The Quality Assurance (QA) process in Drumlin House Training Centre is comprehensive. It has been designed to ensure that our learners receive the best educational experience possible. Our instructors are supported to develop their skills and deliver programmes and modules in line with best practice.
We want to give our learners the foundation they need to access learning opportunities with mainstream providers in their communities if they wish to do this. We see the provision of modules and programmes within Drumlin House Training Centre as a stepping-stone for many of our learners, as well as a core support for others that may not want or be able to access external training services. Our QA process reflects the values of the organisation – Dignity, Self-Advocacy, Integrity, Excellence, Equality, Openness.
We strive to be open and honest in our work. We provide information to our learners in accessible formats.

QQI Learning is a key aspect to what we do.
Currently we deliver:

The Hub
Rehabilitative Training START Programme is based in the Hub building. An individual training plan is agreed and incorporates QQI certification in General Learning Level 1 to Level 3 in line with the individual’s interests and wishes. The programme is focused on maximising independence and autonomy. QQI Modules available.
How to Access our Training Service
Our Admission and Discharge Policy outlines the process to access our service.
Informal enquiries are welcome through our contact page.
All referrals are made through the HSE Occupational Guidance Service.
Contact details:-
Occupational Guidance Service,
Health Service Executive,
The Diamond Building,
Monaghan Town,
Co. Monaghan,
Telephone : 047 83679