What We Do
Drumlin House provides Rehabilitative Training and Day Service supports to adults with intellectual
disabilities and is highly committed to the people who avail of our services. This commitment is set
out in our core purpose, values and operational principles. We bring our purpose, values and
principles alive through taking a person-centred approach when working with the people we
Rehabilitative Training and Day Services
- Lead a more independent life
- Make informed choices about their personal goals
- Achieve as many desired outcomes as possible
- Be active citizens and meaningful members of their community
- Lead a healthy life
- Have access to education
History and Services
Drumlin House Training Centre was established by a voluntary management committee in November 1992 as a not-for-profit service provider for people with intellectual disabilities. The service works to enhance the rights, opportunities for future aspirations of its service users, to achieve the highest possible levels of participation in work and in the community. Currently the service provides Rehabilitative Training and Day Support Services in line with the New Directions Interim Standards for day services under a service level arrangement with the H.S.E.
Rehabilitative Training is a 4 year programme designed to support the transition from school to adult life. The centre was recognised as an accredited training centre and its Quality Assurance procedures were approved by Qualifications and Quality Ireland (QQI). The centre is registered for the delivery of QQI General Learning modules from Level 1 to Level 3.
The centre also provides Day Service for individuals who have completed Rehabilitative Training with a number of programmes focusing on maintaining and developing skills acquired in order to enhance the individual’s personal development, autonomy and community inclusion. Each individual is supported to develop a Person Centred Plan (PCP) in line with the National Framework for Person Centred Planning. Work experience placements, supported work options and further education opportunities are supported in line with the individuals’ PCP.
The centre is a member of the National Federation of Voluntary Service Providers and actively supports the development of services in the intellectual disability sector.